Role of University Network Information Centre
As a Tool for Administration
This involves the development and the use of computer software to meet the operational and managerial needs of various administrative departments and the Library.
To ensure adequate support, the role of the UNIC can be identified as follows:
a) Facility Management
The UNIC manages the central computer facilities including the campus network, the central host computers, public computing facilities such as computers in the Lecture Theatres, classrooms & express terminals for public access and student terminal rooms in the UNIC. It also carries out assessment of facilities, both software and hardware, based on the needs of its users, and makes recommendations for new facilities as necessary for the enhancement of the existing facilities.
b) Technical Services
The UNIC provides centralised and integrated technical services on a university-wide basis including the provision of consultation and advice on the use of University computer facilities. It evaluates suitable equipment and software so that it can keep pace with developing technology in order to better serve the University community.
c) Information Services
The UNIC keeps updated information regarding currently available computing equipment and software, and provides timely information to its users in the form of user's guides, newsletters, training courses, seminars, forums, etc. It is also responsible for developing electronic information services within the University.
d) Administrative Data Processing Systems
The UNIC is responsible for the provision of infrastructure and technical support for the maintenance of all electronic data processing systems used in the various administrative offices and departments.
e)E-Samarth Implementation(E-Governance)
First University in PAN Maharashtra – Samarth Implementation in Certificate, Diploma, Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Ph.D. Admission Process (e-Governance Implementation)

f)Activity Progressing
Consultancy |
Capacity Building |
E-Content Support |
g)Centre for Digital Transformation (Developed under PMUSHA MERU Scheme)
Centre for Digital Transformation (Developed under PMUSHA MERU Scheme) is future vision of UNIC