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PG Program on Acoustics and Sound Studies at NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal
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University of Santiago De Compostela Erasmus Plus International Credit Mobility Instructions

  1. The Calendar of Action from now to September 2017: we encourage you to follow these dates as closely as possible to ensure successful mobilities for all students and staff,

  2. A Publicity Poster/Leaflet for your students and staff 

  3. The model documents for the processes involved: 
    • Specific Instructions concerning the Call for applications and home selection procedure
    • Student and Staff application forms
    • Scholarship amounts

Our contact team, available via Please don´t hesitate to contact us concerning any matter related to the programme. You can also contact me directly via Skype as Anne Forryan between 08.15h and 15.15h local time (please give me an approximate connection time beforehand so I can connect in time When we get towards the end of the selection stage we will send you the next round of instructions concerning student and staff preparation for mobility. So far, the main questions some of you have raised concern the study cycles and teaching language. I can confirm that USC is focusing only on undergraduate and staff mobilities for academic year 2017/18. We do have a full range of undergraduate courses available and we are flexible as to how many ECTS (credits) your students take while at USC, and whether they come for a semester in their 3rd or 4th year of their degree. Obviously we will look to fine-tune our collaboration and possibly change the parameters for our next applications in light of this experience. The classroom language is Spanish, and at the same time tutors hold one-to-one tutorials in English where necessary, and usually allow assignments and exam work to be done in English where appropiate. This is a model that has worked over 10 years of receiving in total several hundred non- Spanish speaking Erasmus Mundus scholars. It is recommended that students start an online Spanish course wherever possible, from selection onwards. USC will organise a pre-paid intensive course on arrival (2 weeks, 40 hours) and students may take the subsequent 100hour semester course leading to B1 or B2 certificate as appropriate. We know that some of you are also in KA107 partnerships with other EU universities; we welcome any comments on Best Practice ideas from others so we can make our project a success for all concerned. We look forward to hearing from you soon and to receiving proof of your publicity of this programme (URL address, photos of events, notice boards, etc).