Research Activities
With the financial support from University Grants Commission and various bodies, Women Studies Centre at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University is an interdisciplinary research unit. From the very beginning, Womens Study Centre is dedicated to the cause of gender sensitization programmes as well as serious academic research. It is also engaged in micro-level field studies, and generation of awareness programmes. It has also made sincere attempts to include women’s studies as part of the curricula. Womens Study Centre activities carried out at the Centre are multi-faceted. Besides being involved in various fields of research on women (carried out by Research Assistants employed by the Centre under the supervision of the Director and an Academic Committee comprised of Faculty members of the University), seminars and workshops are conducted regularly on different topics, sometimes in collaboration with other organizations. Research publications are an important aspect of Women Studies Centre, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University.
Research Projects
Sanctioned to/Principal Investigator | Title | Funded by |
Dr. Ashwini More, Assistant Professor | “A Study of women journalist in Aurangabad & Jalgaon district” | University Minor Research |
Dr. Nirmala Jadhav, Assistant Professor | “Mapping the functioning of Women's studies Centers in Maharashtra and the challenges before them” | Maharashtra State Women’s Commission, Mumbai |
Dr. Nirmala Jadhav, Assistant Professor | “An exploratory study of facilities available for women in Government and Semi-Government Establishment in Marathwada” | Maharashtra State Women’s Commission, Mumbai |
Dr. Ashwini More, Assistant Professor | महिला सक्षमीकरण (महाराष्ट्रातील मराठी वृत्तवाहिन्यांमधील महिला पत्रकारांचा एक अभ्यास ) | Maharashtra State Women’s Commission, Mumbai |
Dr. Ashwini More, Assistant Professor | मराठवाड्यातील महिला स्वच्छतागृहांचा एक अभ्यास | Maharashtra State Women’s Commission, Mumbai |
Dr. Sangita Thosar | औरंगाबादमधील वाळुंज औद्योगिक वसाहतीतील स्थलांतरित जनसमूहांचा लिंगभाव परिप्रेक्ष्यातून एक अभ्यास | University Grants Commission |
Dr. Lalit Bhaware | अपंग स्त्रीया आणि रोजगार – औरंगाबाद शहरातील शासकीय कार्यालयांची पाहणी | University Grants Commission |
Sangita Thosar | “Migrant Women in Waluj Industrial Estate near Aurangabad: An Ethnographic Study from a Gender Perspective” | University Grants Commission |
Ongoing Research Projects |
Dr. Ashwini More, Assistant Professor | मराठवाडा विद्यापीठ नामांतर लढा – महिलांच्या योगदानाचा स्त्रीवादी दृष्टीकोनातून अभ्यास | University Seed Money for Minor Research Projects for University Faculty |
Publication of the Centre
Sr. No | Name of Publications | Cover Page |
1 | लिंगभाव चर्चाविश्व Edited by : Dr. Ashwini More First Edition : 2023 |  |
2 | स्त्री अभ्यास चर्चाविश्व: एक आकलन Edited by :Dr. Chetna Sonkamble, Dr. Ashwini More First Edition : 2023 |  |
3 | स्त्रीभ्रूणहत्या : स्त्रीवादी आकलन ISBN-978-81-929106-0-4 Editor : Nirmala Jadhav First Edition : September, 2014 |  |
4 | पाठ्यपुस्तके आणि ज्ञानसत्ताकारण : स्त्रीवादी चिकित्सा ISBN-978-81-929106-1-1 Author : Nirmala Jadhav First Edition : March, 2015 |  |
5 | Streewadi Charchavishwa : Ek Anvayartha (स्त्रीवादी चर्चाविश्व:एक अन्वयार्थ) Edited by : Nirmala Jadhav First edition: 2015 ISBN No. 978-81-929106-2-8 |  |
6 | Purushatwa Ukaltana (पुरुषत्व उकलताना) Translated by: Nirmala Jadhav First edition: 2015 ISBN No. 978-81-929106-3-5 |  |
7 | Pathyapustake ani Lingabhav : Vishleshak Chikitsa (पाठ्यपुस्तके आणि लिंगभाव : विश्लेषक चिकित्सा) Edited by: Nirmala Jadhav First edition: March 2016 ISBN No. 978-81-929106-9-7 |  |
8 | Mukta Salve : Bhartiya Striwadi Paridrushti Ek Anwayartha (मुक्ता साळवे : भारतीय स्त्रीवादी परीदृष्टी एक अन्वयार्थ) Edited by: Nirmala Jadhav First edition: March 2016 ISBN No. 978-81-929106-8-0 |  |
9 | Bhartiya Streeprashna : Akalanachya Dishene (भारतीय स्त्रीप्रश्न:आकलनाच्या दिशेने) Edited by: Nirmala Jadhav First edition: 2015 ISBN No. 978-81-929106-5-9 |  |
10 | Stree Abhyas Sankalpanavishwa : 1 Lingabhav, Purushatva, Pitrusatta, Streewad (स्त्रीअभ्यास संकल्पनाविश्व : भाग १ लिंगभाव, पुरुषत्व, पितृसत्ता, स्त्रीवाद) Edited by: Nirmala Jadhav First edition: 2015 ISBN No. 978-81-929106-4-2 |  |
11 | Stree Abhyas Kshetra; Awahane ani Shakyata By: Dr. Vidyut Bhagwat First edition: March 2016 |  |
12 | Western feminist Thinkers : An Introduction Edited by: Nirmala Jadhav, Lalit Bhaware, Dr. Savita Bahirat First edition: March 2016 ISBN No. 978-81-929106-6-6 |  |
13 | Streeabhyas Vichar Sanwad (स्त्री अभ्यास विचार संवाद) First edition: 2016 TARABAI SHINDE WOMEN STUDY CENTER |  |
14 | Feminist Edge in Hindi Films : An Enlisting of Hindi Films with a Different Eye on Women Edited by: Nirmala Jadhav First edition: March 2016 ISBN No. 978-81-929106-7-3 |  |
15 | औरंगाबादमधील वाळुंज औद्योगिक वसाहतीतील स्थलांतरित जनसमूहांचा लिंगभाव परिप्रेक्ष्यातून एक अभ्यास Edited by : Sangita Thosar First edition: 2011 |  |
16 | स्त्री अध्ययनातील सद्यकालीन दृष्टिकोन Edited by : Dr. Wandana Sonalkar First edition: 2006 |  |
17 | अपंग स्त्रिया आणि रोजगार: औरंगाबाद शहरातील शासकीय कार्यालयांची पाहणी Edited by : Lalit Bhaware First edition: 2011 |  |
List of Ph.D Students
Sr.No. | Student Name | Name of Research Guide | Research Topic | Fellowship Awarded |
01 | Vasudha Dayaram Kalyankar | Dr. Bharti Gore HoD, Dept. of Hindi, Dr. BAMU, Aurangabad | “A Study of women journalist in Aurangabad & Jalgaon district” | ----- |
02 | Pravin Yashwant Sarkate | Dr. Ramesh Waghmare Assi. Prof Godawari Arts College, Ambad | शासकीय कार्यालयातील महिला कर्मचाऱ्यांचा लैंगिक छळ : एक चिकित्सक अभ्यास (विशेष संदर्भ – औरंगाबाद जिल्हा | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Research Fellowship (BARTI) |
03 | Dipak Chhabu Pagare | Dr. Vaishali Perke, Assi. Prof, ESPM’s Art’s college, Bidkin | महाराष्ट्रातील कृषीक्षेत्रातील महिला कामगारांच्या सामाजिक, आर्थिक व आरोग्य विषयक समस्या एक अभ्यास: विशेष संदर्भ नाशिक विभाग | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Research Fellowship (BARTI) |
04 | Ravi Gangadhar Gadekar | Dr. M.C. Pawar Professor Dept. of Public Administration, Dr.BAMU | महाराष्ट्रातील आदिवासी महिलांची सामाजिक व आर्थिक स्थिती: नांदेड जिल्ह्याचा विशेष अभ्यास | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Research Fellowship (BARTI) |
05 | Rajeshri Madhukar Landge | Dr.V.M. Patwari, Smt.Dankunwar Mahila Mahavidyalaya Jalna | पारधी समाजातील रुढी,परंपरांचा स्त्रियांवर होणाऱ्या परिणामांचा लिंगभावी दृष्टीकोनातून अभ्यास : विशेष संदर्भ बीड जिल्हा | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Research Fellowship (BARTI) |
06 | Dinesh Ramdas Hivrale | Dr. Sanjay Kamble,Asso. Prof, Rajashri Shahu Arts and Science College, Waluj, Ta. Gangapur, A’bad | औद्योगिक क्षेत्रातील महिला कामगाराच्या सामाजिक, आर्थिक विकासात कामगार कल्याण मंडळाची भूमिका: स्त्रीवादी दृष्टीकोनातून अभ्यास (विशेष संदर्भ औरंगाबाद जिल्हा) | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Research Fellowship (BARTI) |
07 | Rama Chavan | Dr. Vaishali Perke Assi. Prof, ESPM’s Art’s college, Bidkin | वारसा हक्क कायदा आणि मराठा स्त्री एक अभ्यास विशेष संदर्भ मराठवाडा विभाग | Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj National Research Fellowship (SARTHI) |
08 | Akash Lonkar | Dr. Pratibha Ahire | Women Portrait in Indian hindi movies ina changing context | Maulana Azad National Research Scholarship for Minority |
09 | Aarti Jawale | Dr. Satish Dandge | Hindu code bill and empowerment of the women in 21st century : a critical study in maharashtra | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Research Fellowship (BARTI) |
10 | Dyanada Pathak | Dr. Mahendra Patil | Cognitive Behavioral interventions for women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOs) psychological perspective of feminism | ----- |
11 | Dr. Ashok Bawiskar | Dr. Mahendra Patil | Cognitive Behavioral interventions for women suffering from breast cancer : psychological perspective of feminism | ----- |
12 | Archana Gaikwad | Dr. Fulchand Salampure | मराठवाड्यातील स्वतान्त्रोतर स्त्री मुक्ती चळवळ आणि मुद्रित माध्यमांची भूमिका | ----- |
13 | Satish Bolkar | Dr. Ramdas Jadhav | Role of Yoga therapy in empowering women: a study of Aurangabad city | ------ |
14 | Kiran Badshah Borkar | Dr. Madhu Khobragade | गोंदिया जिल्ह्यातील उच्च माध्यमिक स्तरावरील आदिवासी मुलींच्या समस्यांचा लिंगभाव दृष्टीकोनातून अभ्यास | Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National Research Fellowship (BARTI) |