Research Related Articles

Biodiversity at Glimpse

Based on the latest global species estimates of 10 million, it may appear that India is a home for almost 0.581 million species (7% of global diversity) of which only 17% species diversity is studied and remaining 83% diversity of species is yet to be studied. This requires huge manpower and infrastructure facilities. Although, PHCDBS is representing India for DNA barcoding initiative, we need to expand our capabilities in terms of infrastructural and technical aspects, which include the use of NGS platform for barcoding initiative to meet future research demand to complete DNA barcoding of our species diversity. In parts, several institutes are working for mapping Indian bio-diversity from several ecological units but generated data is largely scattered. Even duplication of data cannot be ruled out. Prime institutes like ZSI and BSI played pivotal role in taxonomic identification of various life forms which is still based on traditional taxonomic approaches, where intensification cannot be avoided. In addition, several universities also play important role in the biodiversity mapping with their huge contribution. But, data collection and its rigorous evaluation, analysis and interpretations are still in discussion. To unify the data on taxonomy and mapping the diversity of India with ultimate accuracy was expecting rapid and universal technology. Lately, this need is fulfilled through the initiation of DNA Barcoding technology.

As a part of global initiative, during past five years, PHCDBS played important role in biodiversity mapping using universal DNA Barcoding technology. In India almost 85% of the DNA barcode records are being generated by PHCDBS. In its own, it could be an inspiring example for other researchers in the country. Till now, we could able to train several researchers throughout country and ignited their minds to undertake DNA Barcoding initiative. Moreover, we have launched many collaborative projects with different institutes throughout the country. At last, we are initiating mega biodiversity mapping projects in not only India, but also in collaboration with other countries to ensure rapid and effective species biodiversity studies of world.