

Public Administration is the most potential of the inputs that go into the designing, planning and development process of India. Proper execution and administration of the resources is of the paramount importance and need of the hour too. With the recent polices and new challenges in socio-economic development the human resource administration has added significance. To meet the liberal economic policies of the Government, demand a closer linkage between university and industries; the former are called upon to reorient and redesign their courses to cater to the changing needs of the employment market. The development goal can be achieved and national productivity can be increased only when the manpower is properly recruited, trained, administered on professional lines.

            The Department of Public Administration has been constantly striving to meet ever the over increasing manpower needs of the administration, educational institutions, business and other sectors through revamping syllabus. The department is also planning to introduce some job-oriented post graduate diplomas to meet the new challenges in near future. The department has made all over efforts to equip the students with the latest theoretical and practical inputs to shape them up as promising personalities and human resource personnel. The current faculty of the Public Administration department includes Dr. Shyam Shirsath, Dr. Satish Dandge, Dr. Jyoti Dhayagude and Dr. Bhaskar Pathade.