Our Vision & Mission


To make dedicated effort to forge a holistic educational growth by introducing innovative teching and learing models, with a strong base of scintific research methods at all levels through organization of research festivels , as well as a strong and mature balance between modernization and traditional values by sensitizing teachers and students towards a more humane approch through the inculcation of ethical and moral values and offring a robust support system, to inspire the youth for stregthning democracy .


  • University aims to enhace the numerical grap of higher education for the youth of the region
  • Enrich the qyality and standard of teching and learing throught Modern Technology and Scientific Innovative Ideas
  • Creat a sound research backround
  • Develop excellent human resources of versatile personality
  • Stimulate pro-poor community activities and in doing so stregthen all round regonal progress and development




