The department of Hindi intends to classify the objective for the period 2010-1015 in to for part viz Academic objectives , Infrastructure Development objectives , community services objective and other objectives .
- Academic Objectives
- Updating Curriculum
- Language & Literary study is dynamic discipline there is a lot of addition in the scope of Language of Library study socio-linguistics of Literary study is a part of New Criticism .The Department of Hindi has recently revised and updated its syllabus and implemented it form June 2011 for all four semester of M.A and is in the process of Revising the syllabus of M.Phil course .The new syllabus for M.Phil will be implemented with effect form June 2012 . The department is committed to revise and update syllabus every Three years .The nest revision is scheduled to be done in June 2014 for all four semester of M.A Course and in June 2015 for the M.Phil course .
- Introducing service course
- The department of Hindi look forward to start a service course in media writing & Translation The course will be useful for the student of Marathi ,English ,Urdu ,Sanskrit , Pali ,Journalism & other social sciences .
- Organizing National Workshop ,Seminars & Conference
- The department of Hindi has planned to organize five national level seminars & five workshop for new writers .
- Infrastructure Development
- The Department of Hindi has a planning to enrich the Departmental Library & Research Reference Library by the help of Department Alumni .
- The department of Hindi have a media Room .we have a plan to in rich the media Room .
- Community service Objective
- Organizing blood donation campus every year in association with other department and local Government Medical Collage .
- Organizing Book Exhibition for citizen of Aurangabad .
- Organizing " Shrramdaan " Caps in the Vicinity .
- Organizing visit to Banks , BSNL , All India Radio Aurangabad .for student .
- Other Objectives
- Making the Alumni association effective. Motivations to students for writing Creative Literature