Deans of Faculty
Sr. No |
Faculty Name |
Designation |
Name |
Specialization |
Photo |
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Faculty of Science and Technology
Professor M.D.Shirsat
Qualification:Ph.D(Physics),PDF(UCR,USA),NIH Fellow(USA)
Carbon nanotubes/bsed nanosensor array for gas sensing,bio-sensing,photovoltaic applications.Synthesis of conducting polymer nanowires and films for gas sensing,bio-sensing, hotovoltaicapplications.CHEMFETS. NLO Material crystals for Optoelectronics applications |
![](/portals/49/Shirsat_1.png) |
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Faculty of Commerce and Management
Professor Veena R . Humbe
Email :
Qualification.: Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Com., LLB, DBM, DCA.
Marketing, Advertising, E-Commerce, MIS |
![](/portals/38/Veena_Photo.jpeg) |
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Faculty of Humanities
Professor Sanjay B. Salunke
Email :
Qualification:M.A., Ph. D. (Sociology)
Social Research Methods,Tribal Sociology |
![](/portals/20/Salunke_Sir_1.jpg) |
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Faculty of Inter Disciplinary Studies
Dr.Ms.Vaishali S.Khaparde(Kamble)
Qualification: Ph. D.,SET,MLib Sc.
Scientometrics ,Bibliometrics ,Library Management,Information Technology, Knowledge Management. |
![](/portals/55/khaparde.png) |
Dean of Faculty
(1) There shall be a Dean for each faculty, who shall be a full time salaried officer.
(2) The Dean shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendations of the selection committee for the purpose under this Act.
(3) The term of Dean shall be co-terminus with the term of office of the Vice-Chancellor or till he attains the age of superannuation, whichever is earlier: Provided that, the new Vice-Chancellor may continue his services as a Dean till the new Dean is duly appointed: Provided further that, in case vacancy occurs in the office of the Vice- Chancellor because of death, resignation or otherwise, the dean shall continue to hold the post till the end of that academic year.
(4) The qualification and experience for the purpose of selection of the Dean shall be the qualification and experience of the Professor or principal having aggregate minimum teaching or research experience of not less than fifteen years.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor may nominate Associate Dean for the particular group of related board of studies, as may be required, for assistance, support and coordination and the minimum qualifications and experience for such nomination shall be at par with the post of Dean :
Provided that, the salary, allowances and other pecuniary benefits payable to the Associate Dean shall be met by the University out of its own resources and there shall not be any liability, direct or indirect, on the State Government for the said purpose.
Powers and Duties
The Dean shall,—
(a) be responsible for academic planning and academic audit of the programmes and implementation of academic policies approved by the Academic Council in respect of academic development, maintenance of quality of education including standards of teaching and research and training of teachers within his faculty. He shall work directly under the superintendence, direction and control of the Vice-Chancellor;
(b) be responsible for development and application of quality benchmarks or parameters for various academic and administrative activities of higher education;
(c) facilitate the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive for quality education;
(d) arrange for feedback responses from the students, the teachers, non-teaching staff, the parents and the other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes;
(e) ensure appropriate actions, as are needed for maintenance of quality of teach- ing spelt out by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell;
(f) ensure that the teachers' appraisal by students is carried out and the reports thereof are sent to the university authorities concerned;
(g) be responsible for dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education, as may be defined by various national level bodies dealing with assessment and accreditation of quality in educational institutions;
(h) organize inter-institutional and intra-institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles;
(i) co-ordinate quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of good practices, development and maintenance of institutional database, through management information system for the purposes of maintaining or enhancing the institutional quality;
(j) be responsible for development of quality culture in higher education;
(k) prepare Annual Quality Assurance Report of programmes within his faculty, based on the quality parameters or assessment criteria, developed by the relevant quality assurance bodies, in the prescribed format;
(l) be responsible for bi-annual development of quality parameters and ranking of integral units of higher education based on the Annual Quality Assurance Report;
(m) interact with State Quality Assurance Cell in the pre-accreditation and post-accreditation quality assessment, sustenance and enhancement endeavours;
(n) recommend to the Management Council proposals for the institution of fellowship, travelling fellowship, scholarship, studentship, medals and prizes and making Regulations for their award;
(o) recommend to the Management Council through the Academic Council, proposals for the conduct of inter-faculty and area or regional studies, common facilities, such as instrumentation centers, knowledge resource centers, Science and Technology Parks, entrepreneurship development and industry incubation center, intellectual property rights center, workshops, hobby centers, museums, etc.;
(p) control, regulate and co-ordinate research activities to maintain standards of teaching and research in the university departments, post-graduate departments in colleges and recognized institutions;
(q) recommend to the Academic Council proposals for conduct of post-graduate courses in university departments, post-graduate departments in colleges and recognized institutions;
(r) recommend to the Academic Council the norms of recognition of postgradu- ate teachers and research guides in post-graduate departments in colleges, autonomous colleges and institutions, empowered autonomous colleges, cluster of institutions and recognized institutions;
(s) recommend to the Academic Council the norms of recognition of undergraduate teachers and project guides in under-graduate departments in colleges, autonomous colleges and institutions, empowered autonomous colleges, cluster of institutions and recognized institutions;
(t) recommend to the Academic Council the norms of recognition of experts working in industries or private professional skills development companies or private skills development institutions, as recognized teachers for the certificate or diploma or advanced diploma or associate degree programmes which may be run by colleges, institutions, autonomous colleges and institutions, empowered autonomous colleges or cluster of institutions, empowered skills development col- leges and private skills education provider, as recommended by the university authorities;
(u) be responsible for ensuring standards of under-graduate and post-graduate teaching and research in the faculty;
(v) be responsible for ensuring academic development of the faculty under his purview and proper implementation of the decisions of the Board of Studies, Fac- ulty, Academic Council, Management Council and the Board of Examinations and Evaluation in respect of his faculty;
(w) be responsible for creation of a repository of questions with model answers which shall be continuously updated and expanded;
(x) enquire into any malpractices committed in any academic programmes in the faculty by a university department, affiliated or conducted or community or autonomous, empowered autonomous colleges or cluster of institutions or recognized institutions, on being directed by the Academic Council and submit a report of the findings to the Academic Council;
(y) render necessary assistance for redressal of grievances of the students in the faculty;
(z) prepare proposals for award of fellowship, scholarship and other distinctions in the faculty for submission to the Academic Council;
(za) prepare reports as required by the various authorities or bodies of the university, the State Government, the Central Government, the Central Educa- tional Commissions or Councils, Commission and any such other body;
(zb) exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as prescribed by or under this Act or assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor or Pro-Vice- Chancellor from time to time.