Board of Lifelong Learning and Extention

Director Lifelong Learning and Extention.


Prof. Moon

Dr. Sudhakar Shendge

Senior Professor & Director

Phone No. :(office) 0240-2403204
Department Phone No. :0240-2403206,207,208

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Board of Lifelong Learning and Extention.


  • (1) There shall be a Board for Lifelong Learning and Extension to create skilled and learned human power through its various degree level programmes and skills development programmes.
    (2) The Board for Lifelong Learning and Extension shall meet at least twice in a year.
    (3) The Board for Lifelong Learning and Extension shall consist of the following members, namely:—
    (a) the Vice-Chancellor - Chairperson;
    (b) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
    (c) the Deans of faculties;
    (d) three eminent experts, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, working in the domain of lifelong learning skills, value education and in field of longevity;
    (e) two teachers from university departments, nominated by the Vice- Chancellor, who are actively engaged in innovation, research and development;
    (f) two teachers from the colleges, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, who are actively engaged in innovation, research and development and extension;
    (g) the Director, Centre of Lifelong Learning and Extension- Member- Secretary.


Powers and duties of Board of Lifelong Learning and Extention

  • (1) The Board of Lifelong Learning and Extension shall have the following powers and duties, namely:-
    (a) to create synergy at policy and operative level mechanism for co-existence and co-operation between various teaching, research and development institu- tions and various regional and national bodies and governmental agencies in the domain of lifelong learning, value education and life skills for senior citizens;
    (b) to supervise and monitor the activities of an independent Centre for Life- long Learning and Extension that shall be set up by the university to carry out the objectives of the Board;
    (c) to look into budgets and financial needs of the Centre for Lifelong Learning and Extension;
    (d) to prepare an annual programme of activities of the Centre for Lifelong Learning and Extension and to review the same periodically;
    (e) to submit an annual report to the Management Council;
    (f) to undertake any other task that may be assigned by the university authorities to carry out the objectives of the Board of Lifelong Learning and Extension.