Academic Council

  List of Academic Council Members 2022-2027

  • (1) The Academic Council shall be the principal academic authority of the university and shall be responsible for regulating and maintaining the standards of teaching, research and evaluation in the university. It shall also be responsible for laying down the academic policies in regard to maintenance and improvement of standards of teaching, research, extension, collaboration programmes in academic matters and evaluation of workload of the teachers.
    (2) The Academic Council shall meet not less than four times in a year.
    (3) The Academic Council shall consist of the following members, namely:—
    (a) the Vice-Chancellor, Chairperson;
    (b) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor;
    (c) Deans of Faculties and Associate Deans (if any);
    (d) Directors of Sub-campuses;
    (e) Director Innovation, Incubation and Linkages;
    (f) the Vice-Chancellor shall nominate the following members, as per the recommendations of the search committee appointed by him for this purpose, in consultation with the Chancellor, namely:—
    (i) eight Principals of conducted, autonomous or affiliated colleges which are accredited by the National Assessment and Accrediation Council (NAAC) or National Board of Accreditation (NBA), as the case may be of whom one shall be woman and one shall be a person belonging Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class, by rotation;
    (ii) two professors out of whom one shall be a person belonging Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class, by rotation;
    (iii) one head of a recognized institution Mah. VI of 1988.
    (g) two teachers, representing each faculty, with not less than fifteen years of teaching experience to be elected by the collegiums of teachers from amongst themselves out of whom one each shall be a person belonging Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta Jaties)/ Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class provided that the reservation per faculty shall be decided by drawing lots:
    Provided that, out of the teachers representing each faculties, under this clause, one shall be a woman, to be decided by drawing lots.
    (h) one representative of management nominated by the Senate, from amongst the representatives of managements, who are the members of Senate;
    (i) Eight eminent experts from the institutes or organizations of national repute, such as Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Indian Institute of Management, Indian Space Research Organization, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Indian Council for Social Research, Industrial Associations, Indian Olympic Association and allied fields and as much as possible representing all the faculties, nominated by the Chancellor;
    (j) the Director of Higher Education or his nominee, not below the rank of the Joint Director, Higher Education;
    (k) the Director of Technical Education or his nominee, not below the rank of the Joint Director, Technical Education;
    (l) Director, Board of Examinations and Evaluation;
    (m) Chairpersons of Board of Studies;
    (n) Registrar-Member Secretary.

Powers and duties of Academic Council.

  • (1) The Academic Council shall have the following powers and duties, namely:—
    (a) to ensure that the university becomes a vibrant hub for promotion of research and development, interactions and linkages with industries, cultivation of intellectual property rights and entrepreneurship and incubation of knowledge linked industries;
    (b) to consider and approve with modifications, if any, the matters referred to it by the Board of Studies through the faculty;
    (c) to ensure that there are choice based credit systems for all certificates diplomas, degrees, post-graduate programmes and other academic distinctions;
    (d) to ensure that the spirit of research and entrepreneurship percolates to all colleges and recognized institutions of the university;
    (e) to approve fees, other fees and charges as recommended by the Board of Deans through the fee fixation committee;
    (f) to recommend to the Management Council, the institution of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions;
    (g) to propose draft of Ordinances relating to the academic matter to the Management Council;
    (h) to make amend or repeal Ordinances and Regulations relating to academic matters;
    (i) to allocate subjects to the faculties;
    Powers and duties of Academic Council.
    (j) to prescribe qualifications and norms for appointment of paper-setters, examiners, moderators and others, concerned with the conduct of examinations and evaluation;
    (k) to consider and make recommendations to the Management Council for creation of posts of university teachers and non-vacation academic staff, required by the university from the funds of the university and from the funds received from other funding agencies and prescribe their qualifications, experience and pay-scales;
    (l) to prescribe norms for recognition of any member of the staff of an affiliated college or recognized institution as a teacher of the university, in consonance with the norms of the University Grants Commission and the State Government;
    (m) to prescribe norms for granting affiliation, continuation of affiliation, extension of affiliation to colleges, and recognition, continuation of recognition, extension of recognition to institutions of higher learning and research or specialized studies;
    (n) To grant affiliation to colleges or institutions in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations;
    (o) to accord recognition to various certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and degrees programmes run by private skills education providers and empowered autonomous skills development colleges, in consonance with the norms of the University Grants Commission and the State Government;
    (p) to recommend to the senate the comprehensive perspective plan as prepared by the Board of Deans and recommended by the Management Council;
    (q) to approve annual plan for the location of colleges and institutions of higher learning, as prepared by the Board of Deans and recommended by the Management Council;
    (r) to recommend to the Management Council conferment of autonomous status on institutions, departments, affiliated or conducted colleges and recognized institutions in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes;
    (s) to approve new courses, inter-disciplinary courses and short-term training programmes referred to it by the Board of Deans;
    (t) to approve the course syllabi, paper-setters, examiners and moderators paper-setters, and evaluation schemes of various courses recommended by the faculty concerned;
    (u) to advise the university on all academic matters and submit to the Management Council feasibility reports on academic programmes recommended by the Senate at its previous annual meeting;
    (v) to create policy, procedure and practice for choice based credit system for all academic programmes;
    (w) to create policy for mobility of students among various universities of the State and also lay down the policy for giving flexibility to choose and learn different course modules among different faculties in a university or other universities in the State;
    (x) to work out the procedures, policies and practices to introduce more flexible approach to education and of 'adaptive pace of learning' with minimum and maximum duration for completion of a degree and other academic programmes;
    (y) to ensure that the research projects are an integral part of choice based modules for post-graduate programmes;
    (z) to prepare academic calendar of the university for the subsequent academic year as per the guidelines from the University Grants Commission and the State Government, three months before the expiry of the current academic year;
    (za) to recommend to the Management Council establishment of departments, colleges, schools, centres, institutions of higher learning, research and specialized studies;
    (zb) to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed on it by or under this Act, the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations.
    (2) The Academic Council shall refer all matters or decisions involving financial implications to the Management Council for approval.
    (1) The faculty shall be the principal academic coordinating authority of the university in respect of studies and research in relation to the subjects included in the respective faculty and also in respect of studies and research in multi-faculties.
    (2) The university shall have the following faculties, namely:—
    (i) Faculty of Science and Technology;
    (ii) Faculty of Commerce and Management;
    (iii) Faculty of Humanities;
    (iv) Faculty of Inter-disciplinary Studies.
    (3) Each faculty shall comprise of such subjects as prescribed by the Statutes.
    (4) A faculty shall consist of the following members, namely :—
    (a) the Dean of the faculty - ex-officio Chairperson;
    (b) the Associate Dean, if nominated under sub-section (5) of section 15;
    (c) Chairpersons of each Board of Studies for the subjects comprised in the faculty;
    (d) one person, nominated by each Board of Studies, who is an approved teacher and is otherwise eligible to be nominated as a member of the Board of Studies; (e) five special invitees, who are eminent scholars with proven academic achievements and industrial or professional exposure in the subjects within the faculty, to be nominated by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Dean of the faculty.

Powers and duties of Faculty.

  • The faculty shall have the following powers and duties, namely:—
    (a) to consider the report on any matter referred to it by the Management Council, Academic Council or Board of Deans;
    (b) to create time bound operative mechanism for implementation of the academic policy decisions;
    (c) to consider and recommend with modifications, if any, to the Academic Council, the matters referred to it by the Board of Studies;
    (d) to recommend to the Academic Council the course syllabi, course structures and evaluation schemes of various courses, as forwarded by the Board of Studies; (e) to study and certify the curricula made by the autonomous colleges, empowered autonomous colleges or cluster of institutions;

    (f) to recommend to the Board of Deans the requirements regarding the conduct of post-graduate or under-graduate teaching, research, training and instruction, in university departments or institutions, affiliated colleges and recognized institutions, including the manpower requirement;
    (g) to consider and recommend to the Board of Deans, new courses, interdisciplinary courses and short-term training programmes referred to it by the Boards of Studies or the Board of University Departments and Inter- disciplinary Studies;
    (h) to ensure that guidelines framed by the Academic Council in relation to teaching, research, training and instruction are implemented;
    (i) to plan and organize inter-departmental and inter-faculty programmes in consultation with the Board of Deans, Boards of Studies and the Board of University Departments and Inter-disciplinary Studies;
    (j) to recommend to the Academic Staff College and the Academic Council, conduct of refresher and orientation programmes for teachers of affiliated colleges and university departments, especially for the revised or newly introduced or inter-disciplinary courses of study, training and advance training, field exposure and deputation;
    (k) to prepare and submit the annual report of the functioning of the faculty to the Vice-Chancellor;
    (l) to undertake any other task in respect of studies and research in relation to the subjects included in the faculty and also in multi-faculties, as may be assigned to it by the university authorities.