Pattern of CET


PG-CET 2019-20 Syllabus for M.A.(Lifelong Learning and Extension) View Details

Scope of Course

M.A. in lifelong Learning and Extension
  • Understand the Psychological, Philosophical and Sociological perspectives of Adults and Lifelong Learning.
  • Familiarize students to various Learning Theories in the context of Adult and Lifelong Learning
  • Develop appropriate skills for Motivation and Environment Building
  • Learn various Philosophies of Learning,
  • Understand various Research Methodologies in Social Sciences.
  • To acquaint students about the significance of population and Development education.

P.G. Diploma in Adult / Continuing Education & Education (Vacational)
  • To develop discipline of No-formal Education.
  • To impart systematic knowledge to the students.
  • To develop the knowledge attaining ability and skill of common people.
  • To extend employability skill for self employment.
  • To extend knowledge and other institutional resources to the community and vice-versa.
  • To gain insights from a contact between knowledge resources and socio-cultural realities with a view.
  • To reflecting these in the entire curricular system of higher education including teaching & research.
  • To transform university system into an active instrument for social change through the institutionalization of extension.