Area To be Developed

It is proposed that ten acres area measuring 40,000 sq.m. will be developed for the science and technology park. The university has earmarked the said area on the campus at beautiful locations. The area of science and technology park span across six buildings for scientific purpose (Gallery) including administrative building and canteen. The administrative block will include the director’s cabin, office with all necessary infrastructure annexure, retiring room, medical aid room, two lectures hall, store room, control room, guest house (to accommodate the resource person invited from national and international academics), library and information lounge with visitors’ gallery etc. other related amenities such as landscaping, amphitheater of proposed area with garden and protection wall will be developed.

The Exhibits Halls and Galleries For Science Park

The science and technology park will spread over in area of about 10 acres (about 40000 sq.m.) it will have various sections such as:

1. Scientific Amusement Gallery with Amphitheatre

The aim of this amusement gallery is to showcase the fun making scientific articles like but not only limited to uneven mirrors, outdoor interactive experiments, laser shows, magnetic football, floating magnetic coins, excepts related to superstitions etc. through which young children and students will get feeling and understanding of the basic scientific experiments, principles and their scientific significance in our day to day life. The main is to develop the attitude of the students to look the aspects more minutely and critically to understand the scientific facts.

2. Dr. C V Raman Gallery for Physical and Chemical Sciences

The gallery will contain the experiment based on basic concepts of physical sciences like but not only limited to internal reflection of light to make them realized the false sense of water in the dissert as well as the key to modern day transmission of signals in fiber cable. The self-explanatory, simple and genuine experiments such as up and down movements of naphthalene balls in water, no burning of handkerchief, artificial volcano, identifying boiled egg from set of eggs etc. will be set up to explain the laws of physical and chemical sciences. The articles and experiments will be designed as per ideas of physics, nanotechnology, chemistry, mathematics, and statistics department of university.


3.Dr. Hargobind Khurana Gallary for Life sciences

The gallery will be devoted for demonstrating experiments and models which will show diversity of our nature through zoology, botany, microbiology and biotechnology areas. It will include models and experiments such as egg in small mouth glass bottle, preparation of paper model of DNA, experiments of physiology etc. to understand basic process and advancements of the life sciences. The details of bio instruments with principles of their working and importance will be demonstrated through the models. The gallery will also contains the concepts regarding renewable energy resources. Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Environmental Science departments of the university will contribute towards development.

4.Sir J C Bose Gallery for Technology

Developed with the intent of models, principal of machines with operative mechanism, communication techniques and principles, wireless technology, satellite technology, high frequency communications, computer-based simulations of the universe through augmented and virtual reality (AR-VR), and other scientific advances. The academicians and local industry motivated to display mini interactive and innovative models of their industrial units so that it will be motivating to the budding students taking their career in the area of technology, automobiles, electronics, polymers, agriculture, and pharmaceutical industries are likely to participate in this venture. Computer Sciences, Management and commerce departments of the university will coordinate activities with industries. A planetarium will also be designed in the hall in second phase.


5. Shushrut Gallery for Medical Sciences

The gallery will include the charts and models regarding diseases. It will include the flow sheets to educate the stakeholders including students, physicians, medical professional etc. There shall be animated flow sheets that will aware stakeholders about how to help the victims, patients in the emergency / critical cases caused due to different aspects. The animated flow sheet to educate the stakeholders regarding medico legal aspects and their importance. These will also developed and made available in the form of videos to display on the LCD television / AR-VR mode.


6. Heritage Gallery for this region

Gallery will be devoted to showcase Indian heritage and culture, Indian Science and Technology. Organizations like ISRO, BARC, DRDO, CSIR etc will be presented in the gallery. The models of satellite launch vehicle and satellites will be obtained from ISRO and will be displayed. The stakeholders of gallery will get the pride being Indian through the noteworthy contributions made by India showcased in the gallery. Mini model of Naher-e-Amber regarding water supply system developed in Aurangabad 350 years ago will be showcased as technological heritage of the region. Local culture, world heritage sites Ellora and Ajanta caves, Paithani Saree etc will find prominent place in the Gallery. Tourism Administration, Water and land management, humanities departments of the university will provide leadership for the ideas in this gallery.

Beside the above galleries, administrative building and canteen / cafeteria will be available for the park. The open space will be designed in the form of innovative gardens with medicinal plants from the local region while renewable energy resources of energy, outdoor scientific articles, designs and games, rain water harvesting can also be seen alive. The science and technology park will be an ecofriendly and energy efficient. Rain water harvesting and waste water treatment plants will be installed to water the landscapes. The power required to be generated from solar, wind or any other non-conventional methods which itself will be model to be adopted in the society. Two Mobile Laboratories on wheel regarding he need based subjects / topics on demand and experimental set-up for remote and rural places.





