Professor Dr. Kirtimalini Jawale
Professor & Head
Phone No. :(office) 0240-2403391
Mobile No. :9665775924
Department Phone No. :0240-2403391
e-mail :head.urdu@bamu.ac.in
(Click here View Profile)
The Department has a student centric vision and is committed to excellence in teaching research and public outreach for today’s society. It provides a highly diverse and nourishing environment for students to actively participate in training opportunities, to excel in their studies and to gain hands on research experience in Urdu. A unique strength of our program is to emphasize on basic and applied research. Faculty members are known for their effective teaching, the remarkable number of NET, NET-JRF qualified students.
Many students of this department are working as junior lecturers and assistant professors as associate professors in various junior and senior colleges. Also, many students have passed NET and many students have completed Ph.D. many students are doing Ph.D. He is doing quality and socially useful research by benefiting from UGC, MANU/Mahajyoti, and Single Girl Child fellowships.
Dr.Jawale Kirtiamalini Vithalrao
Professor & Head,Department of Urdu