M.Phil & Ph.D.(Education)

Course Structure

M. Phil. (Education)

M.Phil. : 20 Students

The degree of M. Phil. shall be conferred on a candidate who has satisfied the following conditions: The candidate must have taken M. Ed. Degree with at least 55% marks and 50% for the reserve category. Candidates of this University or of any other statutory University where the grading system is prevalent he should have passed the degree in equivalent cumulative Grade Point Average.


  • Master of Education (M.Ed.) Post Graduate degree from recognised university.
  • Qualifying degree percentage: Minimum 55% for open and 50% for reserved category or equivalent grade.

Objectives and Features of the course

  • The course is designed to motivate ability through research perspective.
  • Research work/dissertation work would be carried out under the guidance of the highly qualified teachers of the Department. To get research training to simplify Ph. D. work.

(View Syllabus)

Ph.D. Program (Education)

  • The admission for PhD is through PET Examination and as per the University rule.
  • Seats are allocated as per the available Guide’s quota.

Rules of Research Work / संशोधन कार्याचे नियम (View Details)