Affiliation Section

Affiliation online is process by which the managements / organazations seeking permission to open a new college or institution of higher learning can apply through this. Also existing colleges those who want addition of faculty/faculties, continuation, extension or permanent affiliation can apply through this online process. This Whole Process is carried out by Affiliation Section of Academic Section
University - Institute Affiliation Management System (UIAMS)
प्रशासकीय व शैक्षणिक अंकेक्षण
(Academic and Administrative Audit) करण्यासाठी ऑनलाईन प्रस्ताव सादर करणेबाबत
Proposals are invited for Research Centers (संशोधन केंद्र प्रस्ताव )
To apply for continuation of affiliation/permanent affiliation login to University-Institute Affiliation Management System (UIAMS)
Please go through below given 'Proposal Guidelines 2019-20' and then proceed.
Proposal Guidelines 2019-20
Circular Regarding Fast Track Division-19-20
Application Format for Fast Track Division-19-20