Research Related Articles

Research Activity

1.     Extension Services: Provided through Research Consultancy Cell (RCC) to local Community & Stakeholders. 

The Department emphasizes on Research and Consultancy area. To nurture this research culture in the department, the idea of Research and Consultancy Cell was developed. It is uncommon to find a Research Lab in non-science department, but Department of Tourism Administration is an exception which has established a Research & Consultancy Cell on 01st October 2010.  Initially the faculties in the department were actively involved in the assignments with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Oriental Consultants Japan, and Ministry of Tourism Government of India through the Indian Institute of Travel and Tourism Management (IITTM) Gwalior and Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Ltd (MTDC). Then RCC began with self-supported research projects on the important aspects of tourism in the region. Now RCC is mainly working with Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. Besides this major research projects funded by DST, IITTM, UGC, ICSSR and other government bodies are conducted.

Furthermore, consultancy assignments in Policy Making were undertaken for the following Stakeholders





Formation of Maharashtra State Museum


Government of Maharashtra


Tourism Directory of Marathwada


Directorate of Tourism, Government of Maharashtra


Aurangabad Regional Tourism Development Plan (21.11.2022)

Directorate of Tourism, Government of Maharashtra


Policy for Buddhist Tourism Circuit


Directorate of Tourism, Government of Maharashtra


Feedback and Suggestions for Draft National Tourism Policy (28.02.2022)

Ministry of Tourism

Government of India


Contribution to knowledge and Motivational letter to future generations in the book “Women’s voices in Tourism Research” (2022)

The University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD, Australia


Tourism Police Training


Office of Commissioner of Police Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar


Tourism Plan for Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar (2024)


Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar Smart City and Municipal Corporation of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar


2.     Research Scholars Meet (RSM)

For the first time in this University the TRCC initiated the bi-annual Research Scholars Meet to enhance the quality of research and research culture in the Department. The RSM is a part of research support system provided to researchers of the Department with the objective to build solidarity among department research scholars and more importantly, to consolidate departments research capabilities and opportunities and attune these to the University’s overall research goal.


This practice was appreciated by the other departments and the same was incorporated in the new ordinances of PhD namely [F](7) Progress Report where the scholars have to appear before the Research Advisory Committee once in six months to make presentation of his/her research work for evaluation and guidance.


The RSM I was held on 19th January 2013 and so far 14 RSM’s have been conducted. These RSM’s interaction and exchange exposed research scholars to different models, theories, frame work and methodologies in travel and tourism and also interdisciplinary areas against which they examined their ongoing research work and projects and got feedback from others & experts which helped them to strengthen their research work, publication and writings. It also includes discussions on problems faced researchers while conducting research studies. It helps them to overcome the hurdle. Furthermore, other researchers too can decide their future strategies in advance.


  • Buddhist Tourism

Buddhist Tourism, as a tourism product, is a potential goldmine that is not only an economic enabler, but a key livelihood generator and political integrator. However, there is stiff competition from other countries in the region, and there is a need to have a focused, action oriented strategy towards Marketing, human resource development and impact assessment around our Buddhist heritage. 

One of its kinds in the world the International Centre for Buddhist Tourism (ICBT) was established under the Department of Tourism Administration on 09th September 2017; The ICBT has already taken the initiative for conducting various studies on Buddhist tourism and established linkages in India and abroad (Japan, Thailand and Srilanka).

In January 2021, a Certificate programme in Buddhist Tourism has been initiated by the ICBT (First Course of Buddhist Tourism in India). Incidentally the UGC Letter dated 23.02.2021 mentions that “the Government of India has been working on the revival of India as a global Center of Buddhist Culture and Tourism through various initiatives like commencement of courses related to Buddhism and Tourism Studies”.

Dr Madhuri Sawant Director ICBT has contributed the term “Buddhist Tourism” in the first ever “Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing” (Editor in Chief: Professor Dimitrios Buhalis)


  • Scientific Heritage Research Initiative

Since 2014 Dr Rajesh Ragde and Dr Madhuri Sawant have taken an initiative in the area of Tourism and Scientific Heritage Research by organizing Seminars, Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions and conducting Research Projects. In 2019 they were awarded with Scientific Research Projects by the DST on the themes of (i) The Natural Ageing investigation and Micro Analysis of Ajanta Cave Paintings and (ii) Investigation and Analysis of the Cultural and Degradation of the Lonar Crater. The outcome and findings of these projects has revealed the discovery of the ancient material used. Now the same kind of traditional material is being prepared for the conservation of these sites which has helped to revive the ancient traditional knowledge.