

Objectives of the Masters programme in Tourism and Travel Management

The objectives of the MTTM program are to produce Post Graduates who:

  • Have strong foundation in Tourism Management, Tour Operations, Aviation and Hotel Industry with an ability to solve important problems in modern technological society as valuable stakeholders like Government Officers, Managers of Travel Agencies, Tour operation, Hospitality & Aviation Companies
  • Have broad based background to practice Tourism in the areas of Tourism Administration, Tourism Planning Sustainable Tourism in Industry and Government settings meeting the growing expectations of Stakeholders
  • Have an ability to peruse higher studies an succeed in academic and research and consultancy careers in Tourism Global
  • Have the ability to function and communicate effectively, both individually and within tourism stakeholders using modern tools.
  • Recognize need for and possess the ability to the ability to engage in life-long learning in upcoming Niche markets of Tourism Globally
  • Will be sensitive to the consequences of their work, both ethically and professionally, for productive professional careers. Focusing on the positive sustainable development i.e. socio-economic, environmental and cultural impact of the locals in and around the Tourism destinations where they work.


At the end of the programme, the students are expected to have.

  • An ability to apply tourism product knowledge destination & sites for Sustainable Tourism Administration Management in the Government and Private Sectors.
  • An ability to identity, formulate research literature and analyse complex, Tourism problems reaching substitutedconclusions using first principles of Tourism Administration and Management
  • Conduct Investigation of Complex Problems: An ability, to use research based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide Tourism Solutions
  • An ability, to select & use the techniques, skills and modern tools necessary for Tourism practice
  • Broad understanding of ethical and professional practices of Tourism in the context of global, economic, environmental and sociocultural realities as well as other contemporary issues.
  • Environment and sustainability : Broad understanding of the impacts of Tourism in a global, economic, environmental and social context for Sustainable Tourism Development
  • Ability to develop, practical solutions for Tourism related problems under professional and ethical constraints.
  • An ability to function effectively within multidisciplinary teams
  • A fundamental capability in oral and written communication for Tourism.
  • An ability is recognize the need for and have the ability to engage in, perpetual learning in Niche Tourism.