HOD's Desk

Prof. Ragade

Dr. Rajesh N. Ragde 


Phone No. : (office) 0240 22403372
Mobile No. :  9422201955

email  head.tourismadmin@bamu.ac.in


Director’s Message

Graded “A” in the Academic and Administrative Audit 2024, this year the Department of Tourism Administration is celebrating the thirtieth year. In the last year 30 years the Department has developed the trained manpower who are well placed in the Government and Private sector in India and abroad with the packages ranging from Rs. 4.60 Lakhs to 85 Lakhs per annum probably the highest package in tourism.

Currently the Department is active with the Erasmus Plus KA171 Mobility Project with Nec Mettin University Turkiye and MoUs with ICSE Institute de Lisboa

MTTM, Master in Tourism Travel Management program is a unique one with the best NEP course curricula which has included the local, national and global needs, i.e. from the Mega Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Students from Kashmir to Andaman Islands and from Thailand to Yemen, UK to Japan seek admission to MTTM and PhD programme.

Professors from foreign Universities are regularly invited for Conferences and Workshop’s where they also interact with students and Researchers. Prominent among them are Professor Dimitrious Buhalis from Bournemouth University UK,

With a vision of the future , the first faculty of the Department Dr Rajesh Ragde initiated his pioneer doctoral Tourism Research on Tourism Planning & Development in 1997, there after doctoral studies were conducted on Tourism Marketing, Eco Tourism, Medical Tourism, Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility, Internet Marketing, Tourist Guides, Human Resources, Child Sex Tourism, Tourism Crime, Destination Loyalty, Creative Tourism, Film Tourism etc, Scholars from Japan, UK, Thailand, Kenya and Yemen are also working for doctoral research.

In 1998 Research Projects began with a UGC Minor Research Project on Tourist Police and Tourism Impacts ,the First Major Research Project was on Fort Tourism (UGC 2012), thereafter Socio Economic Impact & Cultural Tourism Development: Ambedkar Tourism (ICSSR 2013 & 2017), Impact Assessment of Rural Tourism (IITTM 2011), Sufi etc along with an International Project : Tower of Babel.

The interpretations are rational and scientific; the findings have been included in the UG, PG & UGC- CBSE NET Tourism Programmes, and Course Curricula are reflected in the Tourism Planning and Policy documents

Since 2018 Dr Rajesh Ragde and Dr Madhuri Sawant have taken an initiative for conducting Scientific Heritage Research in Tourism. They are working on the Research Projects sanctioned by the Department of Science and Technology.

In 2017 the first of its kind the International Centre for Buddhist Tourism was established in the Department, the Director of ICBT Dr Madhuri Sawant is conducting Joint Research Projects with Professors from Japan.

The Faculty is nationally and internationally acclaimed. As the Vice President Dr Madhuri Sawant is leading the Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association (an Association of Tourism Academicians from Europe & Asia) Dr Rajesh and Dr Madhuri are also working as Tourism Expert Member of University Grants Commission, All India Council for Technical Education, Maharashtra Public Service Commission, Govt of Maharashtra, Central Board of Secondary Education, Central Institute for Vocational Education, Ministry of Tourism -Government of India and other prominent academic committees of 46 Universities in India on the panels of the University Grants Commission, Government of Maharashtra several Central and State Universities.

 The Department is housed in on Independent Building with an eco-friendly infrastructure using natural ventilation and sunlight. LED lights are installed and an RO Water filtration plant supplies filtered drinking water to the neighbouring 03 departments.

The Department faculty in now focussed to make BAMU-DTA benchmarked amongst the Best Department


Dr. Rajesh Ragade


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