Foreign Student Cell

Foreign Student Cell



Circular regarding biometric attendance made mandatory for Foreign Students of the University

Admission Procedure for International Students seeking admission in University Departments and affiliated colleges of Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad Direction 2021


Programme of admissions for the year 2011-2012 for the courses of Degree Colleges, University Departments and recognized Institutions will be commenced by the University. International students intending to apply for admissions should submit their request applications for the letter of Provisional permission from university on the attached prescribed form. After receiving the letter of intent the International Students should approach the College/University Departments/recognized Institutions for the further admission process. In all 20% over and above quota seats are reserved for International Students for each degree & Postgraduate classes. More details regarding fees structure and other information is available on university website Last date for submission of request application for provisional permission is 30th May, 2011.
