Press Office
- Various kinds of Printing and Binding work done in University Press in Academic year 1 July,2022 to 30 June, 2023.
- Specially Prospectus, all exam. forms, exam programmes, Degree Certificates,Letter heads of all Departments, Department Heads and M.C., Senate Members letter heads and Visiting Cards, Invitation Cards Printing and Printing University Diary etc.
- All Departments Registers Printing and Binding work, old result and other Registers Binding & re-binding, Binding of Agendas of Various Meetings etc. Ballot Paper Printing of University Elections 2022 and Printing of University Calendar 2023 work specially done in the University Press.

Prof.Parag Hase
Incharge Manager(University Press)
(View Resume)
Phone No. :(office) (0240)-2403140
Fax No. :(0240)-2403335